Thursday, June 11, 2009

Hello world!

So here is the post where I tell you how excited I am about starting a blog. I will try to keep the topics relevant, but honestly, what is relevant. I love photography, music, love, and above all God. I wanted to do a blog site where I can express myself as a photographer but also share all about God and how this life I am living is just awesome!! He has complete transformed most areas of my life. I cannot say all since I still find myself reaching for my past tendencies at the cost of feeling empty like I use to.

Let me explain that 'empty' word I just used. Empty is defined as:

Emp-ty [emp-tee]:
1. Containing nothing; having none of the usual or appropriate contents. (an empty bottle)
2. Without knowledge or sense; frivolous; foolish. (an empty head)
3. Completely spent of emotion. (The experience has left him with an empty heart)
4. Hungry (I'm feeling rather empty- let's have lunch!)

This emptiness inside me I filled with many things I thought would bring happiness (a short lived sense of gladness produced by the circumstance happening in ones life) but as I found out it was never enough. I tried to fill the void with objects that would seem to be awesome but truth be told it faded. Relationships, parties, spending money on the material things of life. You know being young and having fun. I normally came home after all the fun and felt the same I did when I came up with the ideas to change my life.

This is when I found out about a relationship with Jesus. Yeah I said relationship, not religion. I always walked away from the religious talks since I never wanted to be a part of a "cult" or something mindless. I thought that the bowing, sit, stand routine was pointless and I thought to myself that I can find God on my own terms. That I had all the power to change my life as I pleased.... so why was I so unhappy? I mean I really tried to find something to worship but it was tough to love God since I had the totally wrong idea of who He really is. I learned that through God's sacrifice I can find eternal joy.

The sins in my life were meaningless since I always compared myself to others. Of course I wouldn't be that bad if I am looking at the news with murders and rapist!! What I didn't know is that sin is sin, no matter how much you think it is. If we look at Jesus, he was blameless but we accused Him of all our sins. He took all of it and put it on the cross for us. We did not deserve such act of love but it was there for us. When I took a look at my sins against God's standard, I realize my true need for His grace and mercy ("You have heard is said that, 'Do not commit adultery' but I tell you that is anyone looks at a woman lustfully, they have already commited adultery in their heart" Matthew 5:27-28). I was extremely guilty of this. It is through faith in Christ that I am able to get out of that dark hole I was living in and see the true light above me. I thank God everyday for saving me. It was nothing I could do to earn it (For its by grace you have been saved, through faith - and this is not from yourselves, it is the gift of God, not by works, so that no one can boast. Ephesians 2:8-9), just believe in Him and He paid my penalty.

I am filled with so much joy and excitement for what is to come next. I struggle in my life still for its not a perfect world (yet) but I have a lot of faith that God will be with me through the trials of my journey. Nothing to say about church for we are all the church and together we are to build each other up and grow closer to His glory. I thank you all for reading this and I cannot wait to share images and inspiration I am enjoying everyday!

God bless you friends!


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